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Longdong Taiwan (April 18-28)

Join us on our annual pilgrimage to this climbing heaven in Taiwan. The two kilometer stretch of Longdong sandstone is a perfect venue to learn and get your hands into traditional climbing. It is also a perfect place to enjoy climbing with the vast ocean at your background. 
This year we’ll be conducting traditional climbing […]

Kiokong, Bukidnon (MAY 17-21)

The limestone cliffs of Kiokong is a must visit climbing destination in the Philippines. Located in the island of Mindanao it is home to multi-pitch and single pitch climbs. The longest multi-pitch line of the Philippines happens to be in Kiokong. This year we’ll be joining the annual rock trip organized Kuya Mackie, with the […]

Tunglung Hong Kong (Dec 1-10)

Known for its bustling metropolis Hong Kong is visited by tourist for the sky scrapers and shopping. Unknown to quite a few is the great outdoor activities the territory has to offer. This year we’ll be exploring its rock climbing scene, specifically in Tunglung Chau. Claimed to have the best rock climbs in the territory […]